TWC Speed Test Mobile Concept

Project Samples

The Challenge
Current TWC speed test tool is a 3rd party plugin, and not responsive or customer friendly. This tool is frequently accessed, and often receives negative feedback from customers.

My Role
Create a concept for a customer friendly and responsive speed test tool to integrate into site marketing.

The Approach
This project was mainly for research and informational purposes. Since the speed test tool is so frequently accessed, it made sense to come up with a concept where this tool could be a path to conversion.

Using a mobile-first approach, I came up with a layout and workflow that could convert into upsales. I wanted to keep the interface simple, and allow for content to educate customers on how to use the tool. After completing a test, the goal was to lead customers into a buy-flow to purchase or upgrade their internet plan.

This project also led to a revision of the plan comparison tool for mobile.

Due to restrictions with 3rd party speed test provider, this concept has not progressed further yet.

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