TWC Top Package Listing
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The Challenge
Package listing page restricts and limits views of packages. Users find it difficult to shop or find the latest and best deals.
My Role
To revise entire user experience from the ground up. Starting with wireframes, and eventually moving into color comps. Design is fully responsive for desktop, tablet, and mobile to give a consistent experience across all platforms.
The Approach
I approached this UX revision from a customer standpoint, really trying to understand how to organize content to allow users to undersand and interact for the benifit of the business. I organized rows of offers without overloading a single category. My thought was that users can focus on a specific category, and load more offers if they desire. Otherwise, offer categories are easy to browse veritically.
This approach helped me condense content in mobile, which was a real challenge. I feel that I was able to keep a good amount of information in mobile, without sacrificng space and keep the layout easy to digest.