TWC WiFi Portal

Project Samples

The Challenge
Time Warner Cable Wifi Portal page is reached by customers connecting to public TWC WiFi hotspots, and has several user-types.  The pre-existing page had major issues with clutter and confusion in their layout. This caused negative feedback from customers, and increased page dropoffs.

My Role
To revise entire user experience through creation of user workflow, desktop and mobile  wireframes, and desktop comps. (Mobile comps were outsourced due to project time constraints)

The Approach
First step was to understand the business goal of the portal, specific user-types, and page priorities. With this knowledge, I was able to create a user workflow which helped visualize the path each user-type takes when they reach the portal.

Next I prioritized all page content and organized the layout based on the path of each user after reaching the landing page. The wireframes were constructed to allow each user to digest information easily without bombarding them, and eventually connect to TWC WiFi with ease. The mobile layout was carefully constructed in a condensed format using content reveals and reduced content without sacrificing information.

Lastly, the color comps were designed utilizing the existing TWC style.

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